


A PCB layout can be transformed into fully functional electronics within 24 hours and can be integrated into the corresponding application. Productronics also supports the acceleration of complex development trajectories by taking care of the development.


Productronics develops and manufactures electronics for different applications and devices. Our One-Stop-Shop accelerates the development trajectory of our customer.
Besides development we also offer an EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Service) with a very short throughput  (assembly ) time of only several days. To accelerate your development we manufacture in-house. We are specialized in prototyping and small production runs.


Productronics is a combination of “Products” and “Electronics.” Productronics was founded in 2017 by Edwin Bongers. Edwin acquired his knowledge at Philips Research, where he worked for 12 years on various medically related topics, sensor development and on different measurement technologies.

Edwin completed his graduation project at Philips Lighting and graduated with honors at the Polytechnic University. After graduation he started at Philips Research. During his work he completed his studies at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. This enables Productronics to provide support for complex tasks such as algorithm development, to create added value for our customer.


Founded Productronics 



Arranged ESD (Electro Static Discharge) Protected Area 

Ordered first machines to run small production series in house

  • Semi-automatic pick and place machine from Dima
  • 2 fully automatic pick and place machines from Mycronic (formerly Mydata)
  • Vapor phase deposition machine from IBL
  • Screening machine


New equipment ESD Protected Area 

  • LPKF milling machine to facilitate 24hrs rapid prototyping  
  • NB Tech Washer for automatic PCBA's washing and stencil cleaning 


Ordered automatic screening machine to run small and medium production series in house

  • DEK Horizon 03i


TableTop AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) from the company MEK, to ensure quality.



New production location at Gouverneurlaan 3, 6002EC Weert with the following expansions:

  • Addition of a completely new production line for larger series, consisting of:
    - “MY500” from the company Mycronic (formerly Mydata) for jetting solder paste, supporting highly flexible prototypes with short lead times.
    - “MY300” Fully automatic placement machine from the company Mycronic (formerly Mydata)
    - Inline vapor phase soldering from the company IBL 620
  • Dry cabinets for components


Addition of the selective soldering machine to solder THT components mechanically.



Self-sufficient with an in-house nitrogen generator.


Addition of a 3rd SMD production line with Industry 4.0 platform, consisting of:

  • 2x Yamaha YRM20’s pick and place machines
  • Yamaha YRi-V 3D AOI inspection
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